On Vacation in Maputo

Hey all! How was your New Year's? I went to Maputo with my friends Rita and Stephanie...still am here. We had a blast! Stayed at a hotel for 2 nights, $10 each...discounted because of PC. Went to a dance club called Coconuts, super fun with many types of people: Mozambicans, Portuguese, South Africans, Brazilians, etc etc. Saw beautiful fireworks set off from the spendy hotels along the Costa da Sol. (drive along the beach) Being in Maputo is expensive though, have spent a ton of money on room, ice cream, food, movies. Of course things i really need! Trying to get back to Catembe, but wanted to do mail and email first...but of course because of the holidays everthing has been closed so I had to wait.
Anyways, here's some more pics of Catembe: school, house, cat etc. Isn't my school gorgeous! The pic of me and others was my language group and our instructors. The nice hotel with pool is where Rita, Steph and I walked in and went swimming....even though we werenºt guests! We did eat lunch though! The pics of my cat are of course my cat, Huluka. Isn't he adorable!? He purrs constantly and is a meower.(is that a word?) BR-notice the handkercheif he is laying on! Pay attention to the picture of the reed huts with Maputo skyline in background. Such a crazy combination! I notice it all the time.
Here is a ofoto account one of the pcv's set up. I haven't checked it out yet, but i think people are uploading their pictures. It's a chance for you all to see other pcv's pictures...in different parts of Mozambique.
Username: Mozten@gmail.com
Password: Peacecorps1
Hi Nancy! Iºm glad you like my blog. I have fun picking the pictures to put on the site. I love Steph. She is definitely a good friend here. I look forward to meeting you too.
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