Monday, June 05, 2006

hello friends

Hello all! Sorry it's been so long..time flies as you get older. Speaking of, i'm going to be 29 on June 28th! Epah. So old. Life is good here. Good people, good friends. Met some cool chics in Maputo. Nina is Mozambican and Erica is Candian. Now i have places to stay when i come to maputo, which i have to say is alot! They are super nice girls and i look forward to hanging out with them more. Erica is vegan and is going to take me to the natural food stores in S. Africa. I am excited. I've wanted to go down to S. Africa, but haven't wanted to go alone.

Right now is winter break...and i have 1 month off!!! I am leaving next week to visit my friends in Gaza and Inhambane province. We have a holiday at the end of the month so about 20 volunteers are getting together for camping, bbq fun. Should be a blast...if we don't freeze our asses off. It's winter here now..and damn cold!! I wear long johns, long sleeve shirt and socks to bed and am usually still cold. Just bought a blanket. The problem is insulation. The houses are not insulated and because it's only cold 4 months of the year people don't have heat...and most of the time large cracks under the door. Some houses don't even have doors.

Let's see...other than that teaching is better. I have to remember sometimes to give myself a break. I am always too hard on myself. Living in Mozambiwue i've realized that Americans take things too seriously. I know this is a generalization...but it seems true. I worry about things too much. It's such a different mentality here. If i take a breath, don't worry too much about teaching perfectly and don't let "teaching" consume all my time..i really enjoy living in Africa. are you all? Anything new in life? I still like getting emails..? Pictures?

Take care,

Love malia


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