hello friends

Right now is winter break...and i have 1 month off!!! I am leaving next week to visit my friends in Gaza and Inhambane province. We have a holiday at the end of the month so about 20 volunteers are getting together for camping, bbq fun. Should be a blast...if we don't freeze our asses off. It's winter here now..and damn cold!! I wear long johns, long sleeve shirt and socks to bed and am usually still cold. Just bought a blanket. The problem is insulation. The houses are not insulated and because it's only cold 4 months of the year people don't have heat...and most of the time large cracks under the door. Some houses don't even have doors.
Let's see...other than that teaching is better. I have to remember sometimes to give myself a break. I am always too hard on myself. Living in Mozambiwue i've realized that Americans take things too seriously. I know this is a generalization...but it seems true. I worry about things too much. It's such a different mentality here. If i take a breath, don't worry too much about teaching perfectly and don't let "teaching" consume all my time..i really enjoy living in Africa.
So..how are you all? Anything new in life? I still like getting emails..? Pictures?
Take care,
Love malia