Friday, May 18, 2007

I'm back! I promise!

Hey all! I know...I''m horrible! I haven't updated in AGES and I promise I'll work on that ASAP. I have a long break coming up in July and I plan on spending ooodles of time fixing this one or creating a new one, on myspace. I had soooo many problems last year uploading pictures that yes, I gave up :( Ok, so here goes the short details of my life. Sorry, but I don't have much time now. Upcoming break in July: either I am planning to go back to Swaziland or go to Capetown in South Africa. There is a Korean boy visiting the Pastor. He is from Capetown, so now I have a free place to stay if I want to visit! ANd he has a car, which makes a world of difference when you're visiting a new country! I also have a break in August, when I'm planning to travel with my friend Ian (maybe) north through Moz and into Malawi. These are not at all finalized plans, but I have too much time off to sit at home! Besides, for some odd reason I have an extra 7 million in my account, which amounts to about $300...lucky me! Sorry, sorry gotta go, but I will be back soon.

Love you all!!!